Source code for torchgan.losses.featurematching

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .loss import GeneratorLoss, DiscriminatorLoss
from ..utils import reduce

__all__ = ['FeatureMatchingGeneratorLoss']

[docs]class FeatureMatchingGeneratorLoss(GeneratorLoss): r"""Feature Matching Generator loss from `"Improved Training of GANs by Salimans et. al." <>`_ paper The loss can be described as: .. math:: L(G) = ||f(x)-f(G(z))||_2 where - :math:`G` : Generator - :math:`f` : An intermediate activation from the discriminator - :math:`z` : A sample from the noise prior Args: reduction (str, optional): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. If ``none`` no reduction will be applied. If ``mean`` the outputs are averaged over batch size. If ``sum`` the elements of the output are summed. override_train_ops (function, optional): Function to be used in place of the default ``train_ops`` """
[docs] def forward(self, fx, fgz): r"""Computes the loss for the given input. Args: dx (torch.Tensor) : Output of the Discriminator with real data. It must have the dimensions (N, \*) where \* means any number of additional dimensions. dgz (torch.Tensor) : Output of the Discriminator with generated data. It must have the dimensions (N, \*) where \* means any number of additional dimensions. Returns: scalar if reduction is applied else Tensor with dimensions (N, \*). """ return F.mse_loss(fgz, fx, reduction=self.reduction)
[docs] def train_ops(self, generator, discriminator, optimizer_generator, real_inputs, device, labels=None): r"""Defines the standard ``train_ops`` used for feature matching. The ``standard optimization algorithm`` for the ``generator`` defined in this train_ops is as follows: 1. :math:`fake = generator(noise)` 2. :math:`value_1 = discriminator(fake)` where :math:`value_1` is an activation of an intermediate discriminator layer 3. :math:`value_2 = discriminator(real)` where :math:`value_2` is an activation of the same intermediate discriminator layer 4. :math:`loss = loss\_function(value_1, value_2)` 5. Backpropagate by computing :math:`\nabla loss` 6. Run a step of the optimizer for generator Args: generator (torchgan.models.Generator): The model to be optimized. discriminator (torchgan.models.Discriminator): The discriminator which judges the performance of the generator. optimizer_generator (torch.optim.Optimizer): Optimizer which updates the ``parameters`` of the ``generator``. real_inputs (torch.Tensor): The real data to be fed to the ``discriminator``. device (torch.device): Device on which the ``generator`` and ``discriminator`` is present. labels (torch.Tensor, optional): Labels for the data. Returns: Scalar value of the loss. """ if self.override_train_ops is not None: return self.override_train_ops(generator, discriminator, optimizer_generator, device, labels) else: if labels is None and generator.label_type == 'required': raise Exception('GAN model requires labels for training') batch_size = real_inputs.size(0) noise = torch.randn(batch_size, generator.encoding_dims, device=device) optimizer_generator.zero_grad() if generator.label_type == 'generated': label_gen = torch.randint(0, generator.num_classes, (batch_size,), device=device) if generator.label_type == 'none': fake = generator(noise) elif generator.label_type == 'required': fake = generator(noise, labels) elif generator.label_type == 'generated': fake = generator(noise, label_gen) if discriminator.label_type == 'none': fx = discriminator(real_inputs, feature_matching=True) fgz = discriminator(fake, feature_matching=True) else: if discriminator.label_type == 'generated': fx = discriminator(real_inputs, label_gen, feature_matching=True) else: fx = discriminator(real_inputs, labels, feature_matching=True) if generator.label_type == 'generated': fgz = discriminator(fake, label_gen, feature_matching=True) else: fgz = discriminator(fake, labels, feature_matching=True) loss = self.forward(fx, fgz) loss.backward() optimizer_generator.step() return loss.item()